My sweet baby is 9 months old.
Sweet doesn't even begin to describe what a joy he is.
His personality is really starting to shine through those three adorable teeth of his.
He knows how to make Chloe laugh and they will just laugh together for a long time.
He loves music and will sing along in the car and will also clap to the beat... no joke. He has a musical soul. When we go to singing time at the library, he will clap along to the songs and it is so cute! If there is music and dancing on the TV, he will start clapping. You can just tell that he is a happy go lucky kind of kid. He loves life and takes it with stride.
He is a fantastic eater and loves to pick up his own food. He only wakes up once at night and loves to be rocked to sleep. He is still a cuddle bug and a momma's boy.
His favorite activity is definitely splashing in the bath. He LOVES bath time and gets so angry when I get him out. Recently he had serious eczema on his belly and it was spreading to his back and arms. One doctor told us it was Ringworm and another said it was Eczema but it finally cleared up after some serious steroid cream. No more fragrant products for his kiddo.
His dimple and sweet smell still melt my heart and I'm trying to soak up his babyness because I know how fast it all goes away. Happy nine months William Dean.