Run baby Run

11:11 AM

I am going to run a half marathon in 10 weeks!!! What?! It is going to kick my butt but I am excited. I have always wanted to achieve this goal so it might be a one time thing but at least I will accomplish it. I really feel motivated too. I am sick of feeling like a blob. The race is May 4th and my first day of training was Monday (Feb 25). I ran about 3 miles and stopped a few times to walk. I timed it and it took around half an hour. Not bad for my first day. It is February so of course I was freezing and running on top of snow and ice but I was pumped to be running again. Next time I need to wear gloves because my fingers were ice by the time I finished. It needs to get warm soon so running outside won't be such a burden. I'll be posting random days of my success/failures in the training process and of course the big race day. Here we go!!

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