Easter Weekend
10:41 AMOn our way down to Arizona, Tanner received a call from his mother saying that we better go visit his grandma before anything else because she didn't think Grandma had too much time left. So as soon as we drove into Mesa, we rushed over to see Grandma Cluff to say our goodbyes before she passed. We were lucky to have made it just in time because she passed away later that afternoon. The funeral was scheduled for the following Saturday... hence the reason for staying the extra week. The funeral was beautiful and I am grateful to have known her for the short time that I did. I was always impressed with how she could remember who I was each time we visited her. I teared up at the end of the funeral when the congregation sang, "Families can be Together Forever." I love that song and can't help but be happy to know that families really can be together forever. I am so lucky to be a part of the Cluff family. Grandma Cluff, We love you.
The first night we arrived, we kicked off the Easter festivites by going to the Mesa Easter Pageant. I was truly impressed with the production and definitely felt the spirit throughout the entire thing. I grew up watching and participating in the Hill Cumorah Pageant in Palmyra, NY. It was fun to compare the two and I definitely can't say which one is better because they are both put together very well. Tanner and Chloe slept on the blankets the whole time while I soaked up every minute.
On Friday, the Cluff Family (all 27 of them) gathered together for family pictures. The Color Scheme was black, white, grey, and accents of red. I think they will turn out really well... except Chloe was tired and looking down the whole time. I give the photographer credit for even attempting to photograph such a huge family! and it's only going to get bigger... :) Afterwards, we all went out to El Charro (where else?) and celebrated everyone's birthdays.
On Saturday and Sunday, the family gathered together at Nana and Papa's house and visited. On Easter Sunday, Chad gave his homecoming talk. His talk only extended the proof that he was a great missionary and that he has turned into a matured young man. Now we just need to find the perfect girl for him. At the house, I stuffed my face with the yummy food and homemade ice cream that they always make. There were kid and adult easter egg hunts. The adult easter egg hunt was a little scary for there was money involved but I hurried and found my two eggs and sat down before anyone could trample me over. Tanner found $25 and I found $7 with a total of $32!
On Monday, Tanner left me and drove home so he could go to work. Luckily nana and papa's house is never quiet so there were always people there to keep me entertained. I went out to lunch with Shanna, Stephanie, Whitney, and Mom on Tuesday. We shopped afterwards and went crazy at a baby boutique called "Pout in Pink." I bought a ton of headbands and bows and a cute lavendar lace romper for Chloe to wear. I can go crazy when it comes to shopping for my little girl.
Tuesday night was when the fun really began... Chloe was being particularly fussy before putting her down for the night. In fact it was really difficult to put her to sleep that I ended up on my knees praying to my Heavenly Father for help. I asked that he would help me know what I should do as her mother to help her. Eventually she went down but not for long. I ended up staying up all night bouncing and walking with her because she would not go to sleep without screaming. Morning rolled around and of course I was beyond exhausted, confused, and worried for my little girl. There was something wrong. Charlie listened to her lungs and they were clear but he still recomended going to the Doc. Chloe's eyes did not lie... she was not feeling well. Luckily I have the most amazing in-laws for they took over and let me take a few naps during the day leading up to the doctor appointment. We went and saw Dr. Aaron (The Cluff family pediatrician since forever). Chloe would not stop crying so it was hard to really listen to what the Doctor was saying but he took one good look in her ears and knew that she had double ear infections! No wonder my baby wouldn't let me ly her down. On top of the infections she had a cough and runny nose. After putting her on antibiotics and tylenol for 48 hours she started to feel better. Just when she started to get better... I started to get sick. I HATE colds and of course that is what I caught. I am sitting here right now, writing this blog with a nasty cold... which I absolutely loath! I would so much rather have any other sickness than a cold.
Anyways... Chloe and I are on the path to becoming well again and are safe and sound at home. I loved getting to know my in-laws better over those ten days... I just wished Chloe and I could have felt our best. Chloe had her first airplane ride home to Utah and she did amazing. I was worried about her double ear infections but I nursed her while the plane took off to help. She slept the whole time too which made mommy and daddy very happy! Now we are both home and adjusting back to normal life. Tanner is super busy this week with finals so I am just laying low with my baby. Lots of water and rest (when I can) for me! :)