William turns 1!

7:30 PM

Talk about the fastest year ever. I honestly feel like he was born yesterday. I couldn't have asked for a better second child to ease the whole one child to two children thing.
He is a sweet good baby. Even when he gets hurt he brushes it off in two seconds and moves on. He's a tough little guy. He's smart and loves to tease me. Right before he does something naughty he makes sure I'm watching and then giggles and proceeds to do the naughty thing. I know I'm in for a fun second year with this one. He is into EVERYTHING! His favorite thing is water... including the toilet water. He loves to climb and is always keeping me on my toes. His dimples and charm... watch out future ladies. Actually keep away because I can't even think about that right now. Stay my little baby boy forever!
His favorite foods are blueberries, cheese, peaches, bananas, zucchini, yogurt and... french fries. I am definitely more lenient with him as far as food goes than I was with Chloe. He definitely needs to be eating more vegetables.
He is starting to walk and has taken eight steps! He just prefers to do his monkey crawl because he has gotten pretty fast. He does feel so proud though when he knows he's walking without help.
He loves music and claps his hands and bounces to the music. He loves "If you're happy and you know it" and "head shoulder's knees and toes."
He has loved Chloe from day one. Those two have a special bond and hope that never changes. He looks up to her and always wants to "play" with her.
He is a huge cuddle bug and I love it. He will wake up and when you pick him up he will instantly put his head on your shoulder. He is definitely still a momma's boy and cries when I leave. It is a good thing I was called to be a nursery leader.
One of my favorite things he does is he will point with his little baby finger at things for me to look at. It is adorable.
He loves to blow kisses when he is about to go to bed. 
We love you William to the moon and back.

One year stats:
weight- 22 lbs 6 oz (64%)
Height- 31 in (85%)
Head Circ- 18.6 in (80%)

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