Lazy Sunday
6:45 PM
Sometimes Sunday's are the best days to rejuvenate from a hard week and just kick back. That is exactly what today was. Here is just a lazy list of what we have done ALL day:
-Watch TV/movies
-Sunday walk
-reading in the park on a blanket
-letting the crock pot cook a delicious roast dinner for us :)
I know it probably seems like I always take pictures of my sleeping husband and post them on here but I had to show what he did. We acquired an extra mattress from my sister and today he pulled it out from the room and put in our living room...:) He read while I watched a movie. He eventually fell asleep hence my boredom and now my blogging! I must admit it has been hard having opposite sleep schedules but we are making it work. I hope everyone had a much needed Sunday. Happy Month of May! :)